Saturday, June 20, 2015

2 plums delicious dishes cooling water summer day

Water moderately bitter plum attention-getting colours and extremely applicable for you to feature to the menu this summer drink of the house!
To make a pair of plum juice you wish to arrange the subsequent materials:
12 post-ripe plum
180ml contemporary milk while not sugar
30g sugar
1 egg yolk
1 lemon contemporary
Lemon plum contemporary water:

6 plum were washed, seeded in smart juicers, add 15g of sugar, 50ml water.
After the mixture has puree, juice taken into mixer
Garbage left half juice blending with prunes, then pour through a sieve mashed plums water to get rid of residue.
Add ice or within the icebox before victimization.
Water plums contemporary milk:
Place remaining plums sliced ​​seeded into a mixer to feature milk and remaining sugar. Pureed.
After the mixture was cut, add the ingredient in, grind the mixture bubbles.
Pour into glasses, add ice and cold use.
Which square measure thought of plum fruits contain high levels of the best inhibitor. the employment of this fruit within the summer can assist you add sustenance once atmospheric condition. With this a pair of plum juice you'll have a lot of suggestions for reasonable tasty summer drinks menu of the house!

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